September is around the corner! Are you ready to recommit to your health as you head into fall? Experience the Ideal Protein difference with our 12-Week Weight Loss Challenge! This challenge is designed to help you get back and stay on track with your weight loss goals, by managing your weight and helping you discover your unique Macro Code. Covering Phases 1, 2 & 3 over three months, this challenge is as much about maintaining results as it is understanding your body and its daily needs.
Remember, your coach will be with you every step of the way for 1:1 support, info, and accountability.
Join us for a chance to win an Ideal Protein Products.
Anyone who successfully completes at least 4 weeks of each of the 3 Phases of the Protocol will enter into a draw.
All proceeds from the challenge will be matched by Success Weight Loss for donation to the #ComoxValleyFoodBank.

3 boxes of Ideal Protein products

2 IP boxes + oil dispenser

1 IP box + basket of low carb condiments
Ready to get started or take on the challenge?
Reconnect and recommit!
Contact us for more details, or to let us know you’d like to participate!