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Success Stories
You can burn fat and lose weight.
Have you reached your ideal weight-loss goal? Let us celebrate your new beginnings with Ideal Protein!Because YOU ARE AN EXAMPLE OF someone who has POWERED life possible thru your amazing transformation. To celebrate your success, we invite you to share your story because we have no doubt your story will give someone who needs the courage who wants to get healthier but does not have the courage to start. Be an INSPIRATION to others.

Dianne A
Thank You Ideal Protein and all the ladies at Success Weight Loss.
Dianne Lost 55 Pounds

Marianne S
I never thought I would be able to lose 20lbs let alone 70lbs.
Marianne Lost 70 Pounds

Andrea W
I am so happy that I’ve decided to take this journey.
Andrea Lost 55 Pounds

Leah M
Amazing results. Ideal protein has been life changing for me.
Leah Lost 55 Pounds

Jennifer S
I am 45 years old and have lost 30 lbs following the Ideal Protein protocol.
Jennifer Lost 30 Pounds

Dianne M
I have lost 21 pounds in 8 weeks and I am thrilled. The program has enough gluten free products that I have a wonderful selection to choose from in spite of my diagnosis of Celiac disease”.
Dianne Lost 21 Pounds
Individual results may vary.
The results are those of the individual that is identified. Typical results vary up to 6 and 8 pounds lost in the first two weeks and up to 2 pounds per week thereafter when the Ideal Protein® Weight Loss Method is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.